Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Australian Maps

Thematic Maps

What is a thematic map? A thematic map is a map that uses specific themes that connect to a geographic area. Below I show examples of a Precipitation, Temperature, and Agricultural map.

Precipitation/Annual Rainfall Map

This map shows how much rainfall Australia receives throughout the year. The lighter of the blues represents the least amount of days the area rains. The areas that show a darker blue color represent more days the area receives rain. 


Temperature Map

This temperature map represents how hot Australia gets during the summer months. The darkness of the color represents the warmer the area is. 


Agricultural Map

This map of Australia represents areas of agriculture. Specific colors represent areas of crops, dairy, forests, fruits, etc. Also on the map are symbols that represent such things like where rice, sheep, oats, cattle, etc. can be found. 


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