Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Native Australians



Aboriginals are the ones who were on the land from the earliest times including humans, animals, and even plants.

The Aborigines of Australia came from Southeast Asia, and would have arrived using some type of watercraft seeing as boats weren't as stable as they are today.

Surrounding islands that had a fair enough distance from Australia weren't accessible for thousands of years due to the lack of resources.

Sea levels were lower during the last glacial period making it more capable for aboriginals to get to Australia from Southeast Asia. 

Long distance navigation and sailing was later learned by Pacific people opening the door to habitation in Australia.

During the European colonization aborigines were threatened, and often forced off of their lands. 

In Tasmania Aborigines were killed meanwhile the Aborigines were also losing strength in mainland Australia dying from disease, economic hardships, and having their land taken.

Native Rights

In 1993 the Native Title Bill was passed.

This bill helped aborigines restore and gain land that they occupied, and gave them legal standing when dealing with mining companies that try to take over native areas.



Rowntree, Lester. "14." Globalization and Diversity: Geography of a Changing World. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2014. N. pag. Print.

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